Surge Protection

What happens in an instant but can be felt for many years to come?  It’s a dangerous electrical surge, and it has the potential to destroy your family’s valuable electronic equipment.  Fortunately, HG&E offers a simple solution to this potential problem: Surge Protection Service. 

Installed in the meter socket under your electric meter, it stops electrical surges from entering your home and causing any damage for the low cost of just $4.25 per month!  As long as the surge goes through your electric meter, HG&E’s Surge Protection Service will stop anything less than a direct lightening bolt hitting to your home.

For more information on HG&E’s Surge Protection Services, view our Meter Base Surge Protection Rate Schedule for service terms and conditions.  If you have any questions on this service, or would like to order it, please contact us.

Contact Info

99 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Tel: (413) 536-9300
Toll-free: (877) 742-5443