Electric Metering

By the end of 2011, HG&E switched over all residential and small commercial electric meters to advanced electronic meters, which allowed these meters to be read remotely.  In 2013, HG&E completed the second part of this change-over; the installation of a Fixed Network Reading System.  This automated meter reading system allows meter readings to be sent directly to HG&E’s system via our secure communications network.  Meter technicians will continue to perform the inspections of meters and obtain a physical verification reading as required by the Department of Public Utilities and/or HG&E policies.

HG&E is always searching for ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs because any cost savings that we realize are ultimately passed along to you through stable, low electric rates. Automatically receiving meter readings streamlines our billing process and increases billing accuracy by eliminating meter misreads and the need for estimated readings. It can also protect HG&E’s revenues, thereby keeping electricity rates low for you, by readily identifying cases of energy theft. Enhanced data collection from this system allows HG&E to conduct analyses and develop strategies relative to load management, network planning, outage prevention and ratepayer incentives. Furthermore, this system enables HG&E to receive automatic notification of power outages, helping us to restore power more quickly and efficiently in the event of a large storm or other problem.

Protecting your information is a top priority for HG&E. We apply the same privacy protection standards to all customer data, whether collected by traditional meter reading or automated meter reading. All information is securely encrypted and transmitted via HG&E’s secure communications network.

To read an HG&E meter yourself, just look at the LCD display on the front of your meter. This display will flash two separate readings:

  • The first reading is 88888. This test number shows that all segments of the LCD are working. If your first reading is not 88888, contact us.
  • The second reading is a kilowatt-hour (kWh) display. This five digit number is your meter reading.
    • Your monthly kWh consumption used for billing purposes is from the reading at the end of the billing cycle (the current reading) subtracted by your prior reading at the start of the billing cycle (the reading your most recent bill was for). If the number you compute by doing this is negative, this means that the five digit number rolled over at 99999. If, and only if this is the case, you need to add 10000 to the end cycle reading.

To request a meter reading, contact us.

Contact Info

99 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Tel: (413) 536-9300
Toll-free: (877) 742-5443