Commercial & Industrial Electric Rates

General Service Electric Schedule (230E)

Rate Table
Customer Charge $7.40 per meter
Energy Charge First 3,000 kWh $0.14443 per kWh
Next 12,000 kWh $0.14047 per kWh
Next 85,000 kWh $0.14004 per kWh
All over 100,000 kWh $0.13215 per kWh
First 200 hrs x Demand (kW) -
Next 200 Hrs. x Demand (kW) $0.12400 per kWh (100 kW Minimum)
All over 400 Hrs. x Demand (kW)  $0.10481 per kWh (100 kW Minimum)
Purchase Power Adjustment $0.04101 per kWh
Hydroelectric Power Credit* **  $(0.01200) per kWh
Renewable Energy Charge*** $0.00050 per kWh
Prompt Payment Discount 10% Monthly Discount
Agriculture/Farming/Indoor Cultivation Discount**** 10% Monthly Discount

*For billing purposes, the Hydropower Reduction may be combined with, and reflected in, the Purchased Power Adjustment.
**Only in the case of multi-unit dwellings. 
***Excluded from discount.
**** Indoor Cultivation Customers must maintain a Load Factor of 65% or greater. See definitions below for more detail. 

SMAll Industrial Electric Schedule (228E)

Rate Table
Customer Charge $20.00 per meter
Energy Charge First 3,000 kWh $0.14443 per kWh
Next 12,000 kWh  $0.14047 per kWh
Next 15,000 kWh  $0.12694 per kWh
Purchase Power Adjustment $0.04101 per kWh
Renewable Energy Charge* $0.00050 per kWh
Prompt Payment Discount 10% Monthly Discount

*Excluded from discount.

Large Industrial Electric COntract (224E)

Rate Table
Customer Charge $380.00 per meter
Energy Charge $0.06703 per kWh
$3.29 per kW*
Distribution $0.01552 per kWh
$4.55 per kW*
Transmission Charge $0.02300 per kWh
Renewable Energy Charge** $0.00050 per kWh
Prompt Payment Discount 10% Monthly Discount

*The demand charge will be the highest thirty-minute average demand during the billing period.
**Excluded from discount.

Large Industrial Electric COntract II (206E)

Rate Table
Customer Charge $500.00 per meter
Energy Charge $0.05529 per kWh
$12.97 per kW*
Distribution Fixed $0.00406 per kWh
Distribution Variable $0.00323 per kWh
$5.31 per kW*
Transmission Charge $0.00492 per kWh
$8.02 per kWh*
Renewable Energy Charge $0.00050 per kWh

 *The demand charge will be the highest thirty-minute average demand during the billing period.

Large General Service Schedule (235E)

Rate Table
Customer Charge $500.00 per meter
Energy Charge $0.04175 per kWh
Energy Other $0.01298 per kWh
Distribution Charge $0.01527 per kWh
Transmission Charge $0.02043 per kWh
Renewable Energy Charge $0.00050 per kWh




Rate Table
  Peak ($/kWh)    Off-Peak ($/kWh)

Load Factor

10% - 29.99% Load Factor >30%
Load Factor

Load Factor

10% - 29.99% Load Factor >30%
Load Factor
Total Rate $0.40070 $0.31894 $0.22015 $0.12908 $0.12908 $0.12908

Peak Hours: 12PM to 8PM, 7 days /week including Holidays
Off-Peak Hours: 8PM to 12PM, 7 days /week including Holidays

Load Factor is the calculation that will be used to measure the utilization level of the EV charging station/charger. It is calculated by taking the total electricity used in the month, divided by the highest monthly peak 15-minute demand (kW) multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle and the total hours in a day.Load Factor (LF) is the calculation that will be used to measure the utilization level of the EV charging station/charger. It is calculated by taking the total electricity used in the month, divided by the highest monthly peak 15-minute demand (kW) multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle and the total hours in a day.

Visit HG&EV for additional EV Program information. 

Carbon-Free electric rate schedule 232e

Click here for more information about our Carbon-Free Electric Program.


Fixed monthly amount that covers maintenance and repair of meters and other customer-related expenses. This charge does not depend on the amount of electricity used.

Covers the cost of operating and maintaining HG&E's electric distribution system. To calculate your energy charge, you can multiple the number of kWh used during the monthly billing cycle by the rate.

These costs are related to the local delivery of electricity to retail customers. Distribution consists of building, operating, and maintaining the local electric system, including substations, transformers, poles, and wires. A distribution system is considered all electric infrastructure at voltages less than 69 kV.

These costs are related to HG&E's connection to the New England transmission system, providing the ability to export and import energy. These costs are also related to operations and maintenance of our local transmission system, which is considered all electrical infrastructure greater than 69 kV. HG&E is in a unique position where it owns transmission infrastructure and is able to generate revenue from this ownership, helping to keep costs stable. 

This component of your rate can be a charge or a credit, depending on HG&E's actual power cost as compared to the projected cost of power used to set utility rates.  For more information, please see the Department's Standard Purchased Power Adjustment Clause.

An adjustment in the rate due to power purchased from the Niagara hydroelectric projects. This reduction in rate may be further adjusted based on Department’s owned hydroelectric facilities, at the discretion of the Department from time to time. For billing purposes, this Hydropower Reduction may be combined with and reflected in the Purchased Power Adjustment. For more information, please see  Department's Hydroelectric Power Adjustment Clause.

This monthly costs helps fund the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust, which helps to establish renewable energy projects in the State of Massachusetts. Participation in the program allows HG&E, and it's customers, the ability to participate in solicitations and grant opportunities. For more information, please visit Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. 

A discount of 10% will be allowed on current gross bills provided the bill, including any arrearage, is paid in full within fifteen (15) days of date of bill and provided that no discount will be allowed to customers having a power factor less than 85%. No economic development discount (EDD) shall apply per Mass DPU 191 G/E to any customers on the Agriculture/Farming or Indoor Cultivation special rates.

Persons or corporations primarily engaged in the business of indoor cultivation, who provide verification documentation to the Department, shall receive a discount of 10% from the rates shown above provided and conditioned each month that they have a monthly load factor of 65% or greater (prior to the prompt payment discount). This discount is ineligible if receiving Agriculture/Farming discount. Customers must meet the requirements in discount section of the rate (power factor and prompt payment) in order to qualify for indoor cultivation discount.

An additional charge of $.001 per kWh will be added to bills in any month where a lagging or leading power factor, as applicable for such month, of 95% is not maintained. This charge shall increase by an additional $.001 per kWh for each 10% level below that of 95% (i.e., a 70% monthly power factor in either direction would have a $.003 per kWh additional charge). In any month where power factor is both leading and lagging at least 25% of the time, then the Department shall (instead of taking the total kWh netted average) take the lower of the two separate power factor calculations (during lagging and leading times).

The following Rules & Regulations are applicable to all HG&E utility rate schedules.  These Rules & Regulations have been established to convey the conditions that you agree to when requesting and receiving services from HG&E.

  • Uniquely, HG&E is a vertically integrated utility, owning and operating generation, transmission, and distribution!

Contact Info

99 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Tel: (413) 536-9300
Toll-free: (877) 742-5443