Sign up to receive alerts when demand for energy is the highest!
Beat the Peak is a voluntary program that encourages customers to reduce energy use when demand for electricity and/or natural gas is highest, which are referred to as "peak events". Peak events typically occur on hot summer evenings and extremely cold winter days, when more energy is being used for cooling and heating. During peak events, not only are the costs for energy higher, but the sources used to produce that energy tend to have higher carbon emissions.
Natural Gas Peaks: Natural gas peaks typically occur on cold winter days, when demand, and cost, for natural gas is highest. Natural gas peaks are determined based on daily consumption.
Electric Peaks: During certain hours each month when demand for electricity is highest, not only do dirtier power plants need to come online in order to supply enough electricity to meet the demand, but HG&E also incurs significant additional charges based on the amount of demand during the peak event. Unlike natural gas peaks, electric peaks occur during a specific time range, typically from 4pm-8pm on a weekday evening. Click here to learn more about peak electric demand events.
Through our new voluntary demand response program, you can sign up to be notified of upcoming peak electric and natural gas events so you can reduce your energy use during those times. You will save energy and money on your utility bill and help keep costs down for all HG&E customers, all while reducing our collective carbon footprint.