Yearly Operational Plan

Our yearly operational plan for our Hydropower Canals, Electric, and Gas distribution lines, and public pathways serves to provide details to public officials and the region in general, regarding herbicide application in our service area. This plan must be prepared annually and serves to complement a five year Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) that must also be available for public review.

Our access to utility lines is vital in maintaining safe and uninterrupted utility service. In addition, vegetation must be managed along the canals that are part of the HG&E hydropower operations. Control of vegetation along the canal banks is particularly important to prevent structural damage to the canal walls.

Management of vegetation in the HG&E utility Rights of Way (ROWs) is performed using a combination of mechanical removal methods, such as cutting and mowing, and herbicide application. HG&E plans for vegetation control are outlined in a Vegetation Management Plans (VMP). These plans are subject to public review and approval process by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, which has regulatory jurisdiction over herbicide application in utility line ROWs. Each year, HG&E must prepare a Yearly Operation Plan (YOP) that describes management practices outlined in the VMP.

The YOP provides detailed programs of vegetation management for ROWs along the canals and the gas, and electric distribution systems of HG&E. Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. prepared these plans for HG&E as required by 333 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 11.00, Rights of Way Management. Included in the YOPs are:

  • Locations of the ROWs that will be managed under this program.
  • Methods for applying herbicides that HG&E will use.
  • Herbicides that HG&E may use, along with herbicide safety information.
  • Copies of the current VMP.
  • The locations of any areas that may be sensitive to herbicide application, including private drinking water wells.

The YOP was reviewed by the public and government officials during a comment period from April 10 through May 24. The YOP will be posted on this page concurrent with the appearance of the Massachusetts Environmental Monitor

Yearly Operational Plan - 2024

YOP Figures
Note: Species-specific maps are not available. For further information contact Lauren Glorioso of the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program at

Contact Info

99 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Tel: (413) 536-9300
Toll-free: (877) 742-5443