Fishway Closed- 2024 Season
The Robert Barrett Fishway will be closed to the public in 2024 for required maintenance and construction activities. Similar to other large hydro generating facilities, HG&E’s units require complete disassembly and rehabilitation every 30-40 years. Our Hadley Unit No. 2 was originally commissioned in 1984 and several components are nearing the end of their expected lifespan and need replacement. This enhancement will assist the Department in delivering low-cost, reliable, and carbon-free power.
While our team will miss seeing visitors at the fishway this spring, HG&E has partnered with Holyoke Heritage State Park to offer a Collaborative Program, “Connecting with the Connecticut River”. This interactive program will explore how the river made this planned industrial city possible. You will visit a canal to see how the river and canals power this city. You’ll learn about fish and other wildlife that live in this river and how migratory fish get a “lift” over the Holyoke Dam. Join a Fishway Guide and State Park Interpreter at Holyoke Heritage State Park to consider your river connections.
If you are interested in a visit to Heritage State Park, please complete the form below.