Air Source Heat Pump/Mini-Split Basic Rebate

HG&E air source heat pump/mini-split basic Rebate:

$250/Ton up to $1,000

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that you review all eligibility requirements listed in the sections below before you install your heat pump/mini-split system to ensure it meets program requirements. 

  • Efficiency requirements for systems manufactured before 2023:
    • SEER ≥ 18, EER ≥ 12.5 and HSPF ≥ 9
  • Efficiency requirements for systems that are still in production as of 2023 or later*:
    • Non-ducted (Ductless)*: SEER2 ≥ 16, EER2 ≥ 9, HSPF2 ≥ 9.5, COP at 5°F ≥ 1.75
    • Ducted, or mix of ducted and ductless**: SEER2 ≥ 15.2, EER2 ≥ 10, HSPF2 (Region IV) ≥ 8.1, COP at 5°F ≥ 1.75
    • HCR ≥ 70% @ at 5°F/47°F (rated capacity) or ≥ 58% @ at 17°F/47°F (rated capacity)
(Click here if you would like more information on what these efficiency ratings mean)

* Meets ASHP Non-Ducted CEE Tier 2 Specifications (required for 2023 heat pump tax incentive)
** Meets ASHP Ducted CEE Tier 1 Specifications (required for 2023 heat pump tax incentive)

Additional Requirements

  • Post Installation form required to be completed by installer and submitted with application. (Click here for the post installation form) 
  • AHRI certification required


• Customer must have an active electric account with HG&E on the commercial service rate. The building where the equipment is being installed must have an active electric account and either be a small business or an office space.
• One rebate of each type available for any customer per year (i.e. per each 12-month period).
• Rebate amount is determined based on total tons of cooling capacity (1 Ton = 12,000 BTUs).
• The condenser and the evaporator coil must be new and replaced together. Leased equipment and equipment included in the purchase of a residence are not eligible to receive rebates.
• Work must be performed by a licensed contractor
• A copy of the invoice must be submitted which contains/confirms the following:
        1. Name, address, and phone number of the contractor that completed the installation.
        2. Customer name and address listed on invoice must match HG&E customer account, if applicable.
        3. Invoice must be billed to the HG&E customer who is applying for the rebate.
• Qualified equipment must be purchased within the given program year and applications must be submitted by March 31st of the following year.
• Payment will only be issued to the primary account holder/holders listed on the HG&E account for the application being submitted. If customer has outstanding balance on HG&E account, any rebate over $100 will be applied to outstanding balance, and any remaining amount will be applied as an on-bill credit.
• Payment Information: All rebates of $500 or less will automatically be applied as an on-bill credit.
• HG&E reserves the right to modify or end these rebates at any time.

additional incentives available:

Commercial Energy Assistance Program

Financial assistance at 0% interest for qualifying projects. Apply before you begin your project to secure the funds!

